NextGen Back-Office for commercial real estate

The trusted back-office support platform for agile minded CRE firms. Expertise, best practices, efficient workflows, and cutting edge tech tailored to the unique needs of your business.

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RunMyBusiness Logo Icon

We Know How To Get Things Done

We are seen as innovators in the back-office and virtual assistance space. We continually learn and adjust to the evolving nature of our clients' as well as overall industry needs, while maintaining the highest level of customer service.

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Expertise icon


RunMyBusiness addresses the costly challenge of finding, training, and retaining support professionals, a solution developed over 20 years ago.

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Domain knowledge icon

Domain Knowledge

We recruit college candidates for our 3-month CRE training, covering lease abstraction, underwriting, graphic design, ensuring deep business understanding.

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Efficiency icon


While you sleep, we handle tasks offshore, delivering completed work by your office hours, managed seamlessly through our proprietary platform.

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Scalability icon


Adapt production support as your business evolves. Get on-demand 'extra-time' for critical deadlines, often within 12 hours.

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Consistency icon


Our platform ensures work meets expectations, with customizable tools and consistent results tailored to each client's unique needs.

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Reliability icon


Our robust platform prioritizes redundancy, ensuring reliability and continuous support, unmatched by individual hires. Your trusted partner, always available.

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We Resolve CRE's
Biggest Challenge

By Delivering High Quality, Outsourced Support Teams Combined with Best Practices and Technology

Brokerage Support

Property Management

Lease Administration

Mortgage Banking

Brokerage Support

Operating a brokerage firm requires a deep understanding of the CRE business to include the support staff. Our support team is trained in all facets of the CRE brokerage support stack to include: Graphic Design; Desktop Publishing; GIS/Mapping; Listing Updates; Research; Financial Analysis; Lease Abstraction; Due Diligence; and much, much more ....

“RunMyBusiness has definitely helped us win more business. As we're growing, they are scaling and filling in gaps that otherwise would be more expensive to fill."

Marketing Coordinator, Investment Properties
Largest Retail Real Estate Services Firm in North America
Property Management

Property managers face a voluminous amount of tedious, time consuming administrative and accounting work related to operating a property or portfolio. Spending time away from managing relationships, leasing up space and solving problems kills their productivity and hurts profitability. This doesn’t need to be the case. Hiring RunMyBusiness provides access to our skilled talent and accelerates you towards increased efficiency and profitability.

“We were struggling to keep up with the infrequent yet cyclical aspects of operating our property portfolio. RunMyBusiness stepped in to assist and we resolved our challenge is a cost efficient manner.”

Portfolio Manager, Property Management
Local West Coast Property Management Firm
Lease Administration

Managing a lease portfolio has become a strategic focal point of tenants over the last decade as new regulations have rolled out which require timely and accurate updates to both leased and owned properties. The RunMyBusiness lease admin team supports corporate real estate departments, accounting, finance, facilities management and portfolio administrators with the critical day-to-day support needed to fulfill their reporting and compliance obligations.

“The services are always delivered on-time, as expected. We depend on this team and trust they will do what they say they will do, no exceptions. They are easy to work with and provide significant value to our lease administration teams.”

Executive Director, Portfolio Administration
Top Five Global Commercial Real Estate Services Company
Mortgage Banking

Mortgage banking firms require skilled support to assist the loan origination team as well as ongoing loan portfolio support. The skilled talent can be difficult to source and/or retain which is where we come in: With RunMyBusiness, we provide your operation with the skilled talent you require to help your business in your business.

“We’ve been working with RunMyBusiness for over 10-years in support of our underwriting and borrower / lender presentation packages. They provide a high level of service and are very affordable. We’re fortunate we found them.”

COO, Mortgage Banking
Top Five National Mortgage Banking Firm
How We Work

Our process is as easy as...

We follow best practices and customize our work to the unique needs of each client. Engaging with RunMyBusiness is painless thanks to our proprietary platform and excellent customer service.


Submit a work order

Using our web based platform you submit a work order with specific instructions, options, examples and any source materials.


We get to work

Following your specific instructions, and the standard operating procedures related specific to your brand and workflow, we’ll complete the task as directed and double check everything for quality and accuracy.


You get it all

Once the work is complete, we’ll provide you with a proof that is ready for your review. Plus - we also deliver the source files so if you prefer, you can make any last minute edits or adjustments.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us to request more information or to schedule a brief {25-minute} discovery call. We offer affordable subscription / support plans to meet any need.

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